Patti Schippani


Patti is a licensed massage therapist and owner of Soma Advanced Body Therapy. She has been practicing massage and manual therapy in NH for almost 30 years. She has trained extensively in Myofascial Release, Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation, and with institutions such as The Upledger Institute, Hugh Milne, D.O., Barral Institute of Visceral Manipulation and John Barnes Myofascial Release. She specializes in chronic pain and difficult to treat musculoskeletal injuries, as well as TMJD and problems caused by scar tissue restrictions. In addition, Patti incorporates myofascial cupping, sound, frequency and vibration in each of her sessions via the use of a medicupping machine, rubber cups, a vibroacoustic sound table and often times radionic frequency biofeedback to bring the body back into harmony and balance. Using Scenar and Rife technology she brings an aspect of frequency specific treatments using various microcurrent tools and equipment.